2019: Don’t panic! And take your pyjamas​ with you.

This last year brought deep teachings of letting go. Wounds, that cleared a closed. Healed.
Scars may stay for a while. (I hope to avoid of getting new wounds, but you never know…)

Teachings of staying in the present, not pushing back, stopping to fight, giving up control, giving up looking for reasons, accepting of not knowing and being hung on an invisible thread between earth and sky. Accepting the imperfection of human nature.

It was also the year of harvest, of achieving and completing things I started long ago. My second book published in Spanish and sold to the Netherlands, and finally getting an international certification of biodynamic craniosacral healing.

Harvest – letting go – surrender – acceptance… happiness too, yes, joy and bliss. Sewed in the fabric of the scars.

This person here knows that what really matters is to stay true to yourself and don’t care about the opinion of the others. Cudos!! And thank you <3.


And on the last second of the year, here’s a wonderful quote from the beloved Papaji.

«To whom does the last second of the year belong to?
Stop wherever you are and question the mirage. Timelessness is concealed by ego.
It is all your projection.
If it gives you trouble stop it.
If it gives you happiness, enjoy it.»

Papaji (H.W. L. Poonja)


Happy 2019! Don’t let yourself down 😉 get your pyjamas ready!





Anna Sólyom

Anna Sólyom

Certified TRE® Provider, Biodynamic craniosacral therpaist, PSYCH-K® advanced facilitator. Writer. Dancer. Body consciousness. Mindfulness practices and meditations. Reconnect with your wellbeing.

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